Maintaining a Healthier You​

Teresa is an Independent Social Marketer for MODERE.
Please contact Teresa direct to open your own MODERE account and order in the comfort of your own home.
What is Live Clean?
To Live Clean is to build a life free from the potentially harmful ingredients in products that we use every day for ourselves and our homes.
Just like our fingerprints, it takes on a unique look for every person.
Yet, the benefits are universal. We’re united by our need for personal wellbeing and a healthy earth.
Live Clean is our obsession.
From how our products are created, to how they’re delivered to your door.
Each commitment we make to Live Clean is a commitment to life, for life.
Our passion is unwavering, and it will never be compromised. It’s what sets Modere apart from the rest.

Cleaning Products

Bathroom Products

Collagen Health & Skin Care
