Maintaining a Healthier You​

I can’t wait to get you started on your weight loss / gut health journey by mentoring you for sustainable physical and well being.
With the right foods, only the best nutritional support and me by your side, I can help you become the best version of you.​
Maintaining a healthy gut is paramount to our health.
By implementing our Ph@tt 3 Step System and nutritional support, I will help you lose weight and l by repair your gut!
Join the 30 Day Ph@tt Program today with me and not only will you get:
The Ph@tt 3 Step Program
Nutritional support
Approved food lists for steps 1, 2 & 3
Meal plans for step 2 & 3. Vegetarian plan available
Invite to join our members only Facebook groups, where you can meet other mentees, share your goals and recipes
​YOU GET ME. I will mentor you 24/7 through the Ph@tt Program and support you on your journey to healthy living.

Save $10 off your first order! ZIP Pay Available Find out more!

This program can be done by anyone – whether you need to lose 5kg or 50kg+ there is a home for you here.
Our customers come from all walks of life, no matter where you are on your health journey will find support and encourage on our program.

The best part? There are NO SHAKES! You will be eating real food throughout your Ph@tt journey.
Our Program gives you all the information you need to choose the right foods to improve your gut health and reduce your weight.

Here at Ph@tt, we believe that health should not only be affordable to the wealthy – but to everyone.
With that in mind we have worked tirelessly to not only make this program affordable and achievable, but also something that will teach you how to live healthily for the rest of your life, and keep the weight off for good.
The crux of the program is gut health.
We eat specific foods carefully chosen to rest and repair the lining of your gut, and we support the body with top quality nutrition for sustainable health.
Nutrition is important for various reasons, including sustaining energy levels, optimum gut health, supporting your body’s other organs such as the liver, and keeping the skin healthy and retaining elasticity during your weight loss.
Our individual mentorship is second to none, and if that’s not enough… we also have an online support group of over 300,000 members and counting! Where you can share your stories, learn from others, and gain additional support.

Save $10 off your first order! ZIP Pay Available Find out more!
STEP 1 - Detox
During this step you begin your health journey by eating from a list of alkaline foods and starting your nutritional supplements. There is no need to calorie count for these 3 days. The focus of step 1 is to remove sugar and carbohydrates from your diet to begin to improve your gut health. Step 1 prepares your body for Step 2.
STEP 2 - Fat Loss
This is the detox and weight loss step, and your meals will be calorie restricted. It is when your body will start to change as a result of burning fat. There is an easy to follow meal plan, and for anyone with dietary requirements a list of approved foods is also provided.
The nutritional supplements are imperative during this step as they sustain your energy levels and curb your appetite (in addition to their other roles).
STEP 3 - Maintenance
This is where we teach the body to keep the weight off.
There are some additional nutritional products, we re-introduce additional food groups into your diet, and increase the calories to begin to teach you how to live healthily for the rest of your life.